How to make your first dollars freelancing as a web developer

It’s one thing to be good at something, and a whole other to make money out of it. There are a lot of web developers who have nailed the skill but struggle to make money out of it. Some of us want to do our own thing full time and some of us just want to get a side income going on. In any case, there are a few things we can do to make money as a web developer. Here’s what I know:

1. Make a portfolio

People give work to those who earn trust. Nobody’s going to give you a project without seeing proof of what you’re capable of. This is thought to be a problem, but it really isn’t. You don’t need paid orders to work. Just build something on your own that someone, anyone might need.

Do this about 3 to 5 times. This doesn’t have to cost you much. Host your project on or any other free hosting platform. The only thing you have to invest is some time to produce good quality sample projects.

Once you have about three to five of these, get a personal website done and list them in that. This becomes your online portfolio that you can share with anyone at any time. Nobody really cares if you got paid for your work, or if it was even for a real client. If they see that you can produce something they like, they’ll give you projects.

2. Register on freelancing platforms

These platforms are made for people who want to outsource projects (people who will pay you) to discover people with skill (you). So, it makes a lot of sense to be visible and discoverable on these platforms. It could very well be the channel for your first paid customer. Consider:

These are some of the most popular platforms. But you don’t have to limit yourself to these. Be available in as many as you can and want.

3. Add testimonials

Get one family or friend to give you a paid project. Do it for a very reasonable price to incentivize them to help you out. Tell them to order our service through one of the above platforms (ex: Fiverr) and then leave a review on the platform. This shows others on the platform that you’re not a total newbie and adds credibility to your profile, increasing the likelihood of getting another project.

It's also a must to take the Fiverr review and show it on your website too. This way, someone who stumbles upon your website also has more confidence in you with a testimonial from a real customer along with your portfolio.

4. Apply for projects and start low

Better than waiting for projects to come to you, is to take a more proactive approach and start applying to them yourself. You already have a portfolio and at least one testimonial. This is enough to apply for projects.

When you’re starting out, you don’t really have strong word of mouth in your favor, nor do you have a strong brand that people recognize. This is because you just haven’t been doing it for long enough for people to know you for it. At a stage like this, it makes sense to start by charging lower than usual market rates, to give prospects a reason to try you out. After you’re a few projects in, you can gradually increase your rates. The bigger your portfolio gets, the more you can charge.

It takes time, effort and consistency to get paid your first few dollars as a web developer. But it’s worth it. The more money you make, the easier it gets to make more money. The start is the toughest.